Social and Environmental Responsibility

We Care About Wildlife

Our first and foremost responsibility is towards our natural resources. We base our business on the principle of “conservation through sustainable utilization”. We ensure that all our hunts are conducted on legal, fair and ethical standards and that each safari contributes to the area’s overall sustainable management programme. Our Tsholotsho South concession in Zimbabwe works closely with the CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas Management Program for Indigenous Resources) program that encourages rural communities on communal lands to conserve local wildlife populations.

Furthermore, we conserve our wildlife through:

  • working cooperatively on all levels with National Parks boards, conservation bodies, wildlife researchers and environmental departments on conservation issues;
  • training, managing and supplying anti-poaching units with the latest equipment to protect our endangered and other indigenous species;
  • providing aircrafts and/or helicopters to assist with anti-poaching aerial surveys;
  • developing and executing fire management programs;
  • game counting and setting of sustainable hunting quotas in cooperation with governing bodies; and
  • implementing additional hunting protocols above and beyond the legal scope in order to ensure the long term sustainability and longevity of the areas concerned

We Care About People

Chapungu-Kambako Safaris cannot operate in a void. We regard our employees as one of our biggest assets and so we recognise that we do not only have a responsibility towards our natural environment but we also need to take care of the people that surround us. As an employer, we sustain several hundred families throughout southern Africa. We are also reaching beyond our direct relations by extending a helping hand to the surrounding communities in which we operate. Examples include fresh water wells, schools and medical clinics – all funded through well-regulated and sustainable hunting in Zimbabwe and in Namibia.

We care about people at Chapungu-Kambako Safaris

We Care About Africa

Africa is our home and our heritage. We acknowledge the fact that it is our duty as safari operators to uplift, support and preserve not only the area in which we operate, but also to act as custodians and ambassadors on behalf of the hunting community worldwide. We believe that through well-regulated and sustainable hunting practices we can contribute to Africa’s socio-economic development and growth, and in turn create a more favourable environment for investors, traders and travellers to visit and generate revenue. Therefore, we join hands with other operators, hunting associations and pro-hunting organisations to cultivate a constructive worldwide industry that ultimately influences Africa, its people and its wildlife positively.

We care about Africa at Chapungu-Kambako Safaris